Tuesday 20 October 2009

"North by Northwest" by Alfred HitchCock

'North by Northwest' is a entaling movie about stolen idenity. We, as the audience, watch and discover as Cary Grant, who plays Roger, is twisited into misfortune and disaster. His idenity is mistaken for a Mr George Kaplen, he is then forced into a murder and confused to be someone else. We watch as he is framed, using dramatic irony. We learn and discover the truth and keeps us on the edge of seat. Alfred HitchCock has this thriller so that the audience is awre and the charcaters are not. We hope foir Cary Grant and we wait in anticipation hoping that our favorite character comes up with a vegance and over comes the bad guys.

He uses many different ways to show the tense atmosphere. He used loud music and dramtic music to emphasis the drama and the danger. The build up and the quick change from quiet to loud surprises the audiences and makes them jumpy.

The lack of lighting in some parts of the movies creates and eary and uneasy. It creates shadows and this makes the audience feel timid and aware of the dark colour. But it also forces the audience to concentrate on the colours so that they aware of what is actually going on.

Cary Grant as Roger O. Thornhill
Eva Marie Saint as Eve Kendall
James Mason
as Phillip Vandamm
Leo G Carroll
as The Professor
Jessie Royce Landis
as Thornhill's Mother
Martin Landeu
as Leonard
Philip Ober
as Lester Townsend
Josephine Hutchinson
as Mrs. Townsend

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